Saturday, June 9, 2012

Report on the venue of students from Ocha No Mizu Women’s University

16 students from Ocha No Mizu Womens university and their professor, M. Keichi Kumagai visited APFS office on the morning of the 9th of June.

The time was short but after Ms. G speech, there was a few questions. The students showed a good critical sense, and raised very pertinent problems.
Their venue was very fertile and we hope everybody enjoyed this rare occasion of discussing the problems related to the situation of the foreign residents in Japan.

After a brief presentation of APFS itself, the representative M. Kato explained through the help of statistics and distributions by nationality and type of visas of entry the global situation of the persons residing in Japan without a proper visa. Where does the immigration phenomenon from developing countries to Japan come from? What is the position of the State itself? What are, in a few words, the immigration policies in Japan? Those were some of the matters that M. Kato presented. Finally, he talked about the way that APFS had a leading role in the creation of the Special Permit of Residence.

Then, Ms. Garcia from the Philippines, coming as a guest speaker, took the time to explain concretely her present situation. She is currently left without a visa, and has lots of troubles. Her speech was very emotional, and probably everybody was moved by her story. If you lose your visa, there is the possibility of facing a forced deportation, which would mean that her 17 years old son would have to live by himself.
Everybody felt sympathy and compassion towards Ms. Garcia, and got a concrete glance at the kind of trouble that the foreign residents in Japan can face.

It is very important that many people feel concerned by the activities of our association.
We hope to be able to set up such occasions again.