Thursday, March 24, 2011

One year after the death of Mr. Suraj

With March 22nd, exactly one year has passed since Mr. Suraj died during deportation last year.
I knew him only for a short while but even I could not help but remember him. His wife probably recalls this one year together with a great number of other memories.

In my memory, Mr. Suraj talked peacefully with his wife even when it was during the visiting hours at his detention. He was always worried about his wife’s health and handed her letters written in Japanese. This scene reflected well their long and harmonious relationship.

The photograph is from a gathering held on March 22nd where his wife and friends commemorated him. I think it is a wonderful picture.

* The scheduled submission of demand letters to the Chiba District Attorney’s office was delayed. We still need your support to the collection of demand letters( If the new submission day is decided on, we will let you know either at this BLOG or on the APFS homepage.