Abubakar Awudu Suraj died during a forced deportation on March 22, 2010. Right now preparations are being made to send his body to Ghana.
APFS is asking all our friends and members for donations so that Suraj’s widow may accompany her husband’s body on the trip to Ghana.
The Ministry of Justice has agreed to pay expenses for sending Suraj’s body, but they are refusing to pay for his widow’s accompaniment. Suraj’s widow not only suddenly lost the husband she shared her life with for more than 20 years, she has been unable to learn of the circumstances of his death. How cruel that she be denied this one chance to accompany him to his country and see his family.
Please help us see that Suraj’s widow will be able to accompany her husband on his final journey home and be there when he is reunited with his family.
Please send donations to:
Bank Name: Japan Post Bank
Account Holder: APFS
Account Number: 00180-1-7915
*Please write “Donations for Suraj’s family” on the form.