Are you concerned over the mysterious death of Abubakar Awudu Suraj? If so, APFS wants you to write and send your own letter of protest to Japan’s Ministry of Justice!
You can see a translation of our protest statement here.
Please tell the Ministry of Justice what you think, by following the link below:
Or send a fax to: 03-3592-7393
To the right, we have posted a letter that Suraj wrote, illustrated, and sent to his while he was still in detention. His gentle nature truly shines through (translation below)…
Thank you for taking action!
Translation of Suraj’s letter:
How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t written lately. Thank you for all that you’ve done. Let’s stick through this together. Your voice sounded strange when we last talked, and I wonder if it’s because you’ve been thinking so much and worrying. However, it seems to have gotten better, so I feel a bit relieved. It’s not good for your body if you’re always worrying, so every now and then—when you feel tired—it’s ok to take a break. There’s nothing more precious than life, so take care of yourself and be happy. We’ll be together forever. It has been getting colder lately so please take care of yourself and don’t catch a cold.
Awudu Suraj